
By Sarah Cho

Synopsis: An impoverished Korean-American teenager struggles through her first period, with the help of an imaginary friend… who happens to resemble a wisecracking witch from a popular ‘90s sitcom. “Stains” is a coming of age comedy about a Korean American girl whose family sees her first period as a burden. A play about growing up poor, female, and Korean American in Los Angeles.

Director: Hansol Jung

Dramaturg: Jihye Kim

Respondents: Don Nguyen, Virginia Grise


Soo-Hyun Park – Stephanie Kyung Sun Walters
Halmoni Cho – Yoon CHo
Christine Park – Maia Kang
Melissa Joan Hart from Sabrina the Teenage Witch – Anna Jordan


Pat – Ruth Rath
Lena – Olivia Wells
Alan – Xavier Carr
Stage Directions – Debbie Krambeck