Young Dramatists Fellowship Program

High school-age playwrights are invited to apply to this fellowship program. Young Dramatists have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the professional world of playwriting.  Students will:

  • Participate in writing workshops led by nationally renowned artists
  • See readings of some of the most exciting new work in the country
  • Develop critical response to plays in progress
  • Meet peers from other communities who have a shared passion for theatre

GPTC Community Connector Ellen Struve facilitates guest artist meetings and serves as a guide so that Young Dramatists have a rich, creative experience at GPTC. Young Dramatist Fellows participate in all aspects of conference, including PlayFest evening performances, luncheon discussion panels and theatre workshops. Throughout conference, young playwrights have multiple opportunities to directly interact with veteran playwrights and theatre professionals from all over the country. The daily schedule varies and the program is designed to accommodate students’ needs. A typical day might look like this:

10:45-11:45         Writing Workshop led by Pulitzer Prize-nominated artist

12-1                      Lunch discussion on finding your place in theater with  a renowned director/faculty

1:30-3:30              New Play Reading

3:30-4:15              Young Dramatists breakout session

Evening                PlayFest Performance (optional)

There is no fee for this program. However, students must supply their own transportation. Applicants may wish to provide a writing sample. This may be a short play, an essay or a piece of creative writing (story, poem, lyric) or they may  briefly answer why they wish to attend the conference. To apply email Ellen Struve to receive an application form and more information