Stories of O General Information
This event is a restart of a lovely, monthly gathering that was held for several years, back before there was Covid and Trump descended the golden escalator. The event is held on the last Sunday evening of each month.
It’s a laid-back evening where everyone brings a dish, or something to drink, or a story, or all three, or none of the above. We usually mingle and eat for the first thirty (or so) minutes and then share stories.
*An important point – there is no obligation to share a story. Feel free to come and enjoy the night, the food, and the community without telling a story.
If you do bring a story, here are some guiding thoughts – the stories should be true, rather than fiction, and have some strong connection to your life. They should be around five minutes long, and told from memory (without notes).
Please feel free to bring a partner, family member, or friend, or two. The stories will sometimes have adult content, so if you don’t want your children to hear adult content then it would be good to leave them at home.
The GPTC will bring a veggie entree, and also contribute something to drink. The meals often ended up being quite wonderful – the magic of potluck. (Super busy? Store bought food is perfectly welcome, or just a bottle of wine, or non-alcoholic drink .)
We would love to see you. It’s always a good way to end the weekend and the month.
If you’re coming and you’d like to let me know about a dish that you’re bringing I will try to coordinate that so that we don’t end up with 60 pieces of corn on the cob and one bag of chips.
Please let me know if you have any thoughts or questions
Finally, there is no obligation to come to them every month. Please just come if you’re free, and no worries if you can’t make it – we’ll have one on the last Sunday of each month.
We are grateful that this year, the Stories of O is supported in part by a grant from the Omaha Community Foundation.
Yates is located at 32nd and Davenport.