Great Plains Theatre Commons

To our local and national communities:

The qualities of joy and kindness are revolutionary as they help to deepen our understanding of connectedness. We are facing a moment in our collective history that makes us realize how lucky we are in the Great Plains Theatre Commons community to experience an abundance of these two qualities in our work with you.
As I’m sure you know, we are living in uncertain and challenging times with the attempted restructuring of the foundation of our society in the public and private sectors.
In response to this, and the likely loss of funding for us, and artists and organizations across the country, we wanted to let you know that the mission of the GPTC will continue to be to strengthen community by supporting the creation and sharing of diverse new stories. Working together with you in the light of this mission is an immense privilege.
When I began working with the GPTC in 2009, most of the stories that were supported in the American theatre were written, directed, and produced by white men. Since that time, the increase in the support (equity) and sharing (inclusion) of diverse stories has helped our community become so much more soulful, vibrant, and healthy. We are proud of the role that Omaha has played in expanding the scope of stories that are shared on local, regional, and national stages.
We are also proud to use the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion as one of the guides of our work at the GPTC, and we are grateful to be able to support the sharing of our collective stories.
One of the beautiful characteristics of theatre is that, at its essence, it is people gathering together and sharing stories with each other. No one can take that away from us.
We hope that you will continue to walk in joy and kindness with us. In the coming days, we will all need the partnership and support of our friends more than we ever have before.
We look forward to continuing to support and share diverse, new stories with you as the winter makes its slow turn toward a new spring.
Most warmly,
Kevin Lawler
GPTC Director



It’s our 20th Year!

There are few guarantees in life, but one of them is that time keeps moving.

It’s with a mix of shock, gratitude, love, pride and excitement that we have arrived at the start of our 20th anniversary year. So many stories have been shared. So many friends made, and so much community has been built together. Where did the time go?

This year, we plan to celebrate each day with the work that we get to create and share together with you. Yes, we’ll take time to look back at all that we have accomplished, but we will spend the lion’s share of our time and energy looking forward and making new stories with our artists and community members. And yes, we will celebrate!


One change to start this anniversary year is that the New Play Conference, or “the conference” for those in the know, will now be known as –

New Play Festival

Why the change from “Conference” to “Festival”? Because the week has grown over the years and become an event and a place that welcomes more people each year from the local and national communities that we serve.

With performances, readings, workshops, panels, parties, talent shows, music, dancing and so many amazing meals, we feel that “Festival” describes the week far more accurately.

Speaking of which, the window to send us your play for the New Play Festival is now closed! Thank you to everyone who sent us your work! Now we will curl up for the long winter and read.