Laura Leininger-Campbell

Laura Leininger-Campbell
Laura Leininger-Campbell is a playwright and actor. An O’Neill National Playwrights Conference finalist, her play “Eminent Domain” premiered at the Omaha Community Playhouse on August 25, 2017. The play won the Omaha Entertainment Award for Best Drama and Best Original Play. Her play “Worms” was selected and workshopped at the Great Plains Theater Conference in 2019. Her play “Terminal” was selected and workshopped at the Great Plains Theater Conference in 2017. She also co-wrote the play “L’Chaim” with fellow playwright Marie Amthor-Schuett for the Shelterbelt Theater in 2016. Laura received her theater training from Connecticut College, the National Theater Institute, and received the Lee Strasberg Institute Scholarship, training in New York City. Her first film The Phantom of Knockmourne Hall, premiered as part of the 2020 Joslyn Literary Festival.