Tori Sampson

Tori Sampson is a playwright, activist and Boston sports enthusiast. Her work has been developed at Great Plains Theatre Conference, Berkeley Repertory Theater’s “The Ground Floor” residency program and The Social Club in Des Moines, Iowa. Her plays, Where Butterflies Go in the Winter and If Pretty Hurts Ugly Must be a Muhfucka were respectively 2015 and 2016 semi-finalist and finalist at the O’Neill National Playwrights Conference. Tori’s play, This Land Was Made, will be produced as part of Ubuntu Theater Project’s 2017 season. Her short play, She’s our President, will be produced by Baltimore Center Stage as part of the My America: She commission. A native of Boston, MA, she holds a BS in sociology from Ball State University and an MFA from Yale School of Drama. Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama.