1st Annual GPTC
May 27 – June 3, 2006
Jorge Albertella Sins of Ommision
Rob Anderson A Tennessee Walk
Forrest Attaway Razorback
Kyle Bass Wind in the Field
Tim Bauer Beyond Words
Robin Byrd Dream Catcher
William Campbell The Twenty Year Package
Vincent Carlson Curio and Valentine Are Pissed
Audrey Cefaly Fin and Euba
Clarence Coo People Sitting in Darkness
David Crespy Men Dancing
John Crews Souvenir
Wayne Crome Niflheim
Jim Dalglish Super-Lubricated
Jeanne Drennan Waxworks
Laura Emack An Army of One
Florence Gibson How Do I Love Thee?
Karen Gray Right on the Money
Kendall Gray And to All a Good Night
Deborah Greenhut Staggering Girls
Frank Higgins The Collection
Jakob Holder Whitehorse
Amy Lynne Holland Jack
Tom Horton Motivations
Lynn-Steven Johanson The Cruxifiction of Moe and Ira
David James So You Wanna Be an Actress?
Shayne Kennedy Christmas Cookies
Norman Kline The 8:10
Hannah Koslosky Portrait of the Artist as an Ensemble
Kevin Lawler Monologue of Isabel Watching
E.M. Lewis Reading to Vegetables
Myla Lichtman-Fields The Scandalmakers
Marilyn MacCrakin Dressing Matilda
Mark Manhart Cootie Blues
Back to History
Doug Marr When All the World Goes to White
Ben Marshall To Go
Kim Matthews The Pink Kitten
Michele Merens The Lion’s Den
Laura Morrissey-Foronda Between Dream
Lee Myers Killing Crazy Horse
Mary Jane Nordgren Water and the Word
Kay Noyes Sailing Septaugenarians
Glyn O’Malley A Heartbeat to Baghdad
Ann Marie Oliva A Bad Day
Andrea Onstad Termination Aberration
Adrienne Earle Pender Banana Split Lady
Judith Pratt Spiralling
Lonn Pressnall House of Cards
Kimberly Pritchard Anabel’s Plum
Calvin Ramsey Canada Lee
Ronald Rand Consequences
David Robson Why I Want a Wife
Daena Schweiger Anniversary Waltz
Mark Scott Voice Training
Jerry Seifert Dachau Dreaming
Timothy Siragusa 10 Seconds into the Future
Paul Smolens Interview with the Pope
Max Sparber Buddy Bentley
Geoffrey Stienblock Conversations with Ducks
Lynda Sturner Super-Lubricated
Nora Vetter It’s All in Your Head
Connie Whitt-Lambert Second Coming
Dawn Wilson Make Your Own Soup
Ruis Woertendyke Ivan’s Way Out
Nick Zadina The Day Omaha Exploded
Aaron Zavitz Dialogue Heard on a Flooded River